Our Philosophy
Our mission is to provide you with ad-free, patient-focused information that you can use today.
All of our educational materials, including each issue of the Fibromyalgia Network Journal, monthly eNews Alerts, brochures, awareness items, and other patient resources are as accurate as possible. We base information on published scientific findings. Many of our original articles are reviewed and edited by the experts for accuracy.
Our privacy policy is simple: we do not share information about you with anyone. This policy is the same whether you are a Member or a patient requesting a healthcare referral. Fibromyalgia Network does not partner with anyone, including drug companies that might want to market their products to you. The information you provide stays with us. There are no ads in our publications, our monthly eNews Alerts, or on our website.
Living with fibromyalgia is difficult enough, so we will not subject you to ads that often provide false claims or trivialize how you feel. Advertisements may be commonplace in the publishing world, but Fibromyalgia Network is not solely a publication. Fibromyalgia Network is an organization that attends medical conferences, interviews researchers and doctors, and sifts through the details in the medical journals for our Members—so we can deliver up-to-date objective reporting that you will not find anywhere else.
We will never mislead you with an article that offers bogus approaches that do not pan out, especially with a condition as complex as fibromyalgia. Our approach is to dig below the surface of any topic to provide you with an explanation for a painful symptom you might have or why specific treatments might be better than others. We write about fibromyalgia from a patient's perspective.
If you call our office during the weekdays, we always answer our phones. We have maintained a toll-free line since 1991 and welcome your call from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MST. We are not medical professionals, so we cannot advise you on diagnosis or treatment. However, we may be able to refer you to a physician in your community who can help you.
If you are looking for the company of other fibromyalgia patients, consider visiting us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FibroNetwork. We post several times a week on coping topics, and we are proud to be a part of a fabulous community of fibromyalgia patients who generously lend support to others.
In addition to the Latest News and other information posted regularly on this website, you may also become a Member of the Fibromyalgia Network for only $28/year. Benefits include a quarterly Journal mailed to your doorstep and a monthly eNews Alert, both full of current and original articles. While these take time to prepare and cost to produce, we are sometimes asked why Memberships are not free. We do not advertize or partner with third-party commercial interests; our organization is sustained only through Membership fees. We understand that it is not easy dealing with fibromyalgia, so we offer our Members as many services as possible while keeping the price affordable.
Fibromyalgia Network strives to provide you with valuable information so you can confidently seek out the quality of care you deserve.