The Fibromyalgia Network does not share your email, address, phone number, or other private information with anyone. We also do not share your information with doctors or pharmaceutical companies that solicit patients for medical research, or insurance companies that might discriminate against patients.
The Fibromyalgia Network is neither a medical clinic nor does it have any medical personnel on staff. This site does not gather or host patient records nor store any personal medical data. To remain unbiased, the Network does not accept endorsements, advertisements, or pharmaceutical industry grants. We also do not work with third-party advertisers, marketers, or pharmaceutical companies so you will not receive any solicitation from outside Fibromyalgia Network.
The Fibromyalgia Network collects site usage data that does not identify individuals and is used for internal review, website user statistics, and to improve the content of our website and services. We also post your comments on articles written in our Latest News section.
This site has ongoing voluntary surveys about fibromyalgia, but we never ask questions that may identify you. Your information is anonymous and solely used for the purposes of helping other patients better understand the symptoms and treatments for this illness. Ocassionally we may send out an email to assist a scientific-minded researcher find study participants in their area (no psycho-babble projects, just studies designed to dig into the possible causes and treatments for fibro). You may choose to “unsubscribe” to such emails at any time. Email addresses collected through the “Email This Page to a Friend” option usig the side “Email” navigation button are used only for verification of sent and receipt purposes upon request. Information is used for no other purpose.
Our store is currently closed. If you ordered anything from the Fibromyalgia Network in the past, rest assured that the site uses the official Thawte Trusted Site Seal SSL Certificates to offer secure communications when you provided credit card information to purchase any item by encrypting all data to and from the site.
We endorse this strict privacy policy to protect our website users and ensure that you are not subjected to advertising that provides false claims or trivialize how you feel.