The latest news on fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome is posted below in support of Fibromyalgia Network’s mission to educate patients and the media with ad-free reporting.
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Chronic Opioid Therapy Guidelines Offer Direction for Physicians
While patients are rightfully concerned about not receiving adequate pain relief, physicians harbor fears about drug abuse, safety issues, and government oversight.
Read the complete article.Calling the Kettle Black … editorial comment
Controversy sells, and that was what the Associated Press banked on as it ran an article that implied the drug industry fabricated fibromyalgia. But the article makes no sense.
Read the complete article.Savella (milnacipran) FDA-Approved for Fibro
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Jan. 14, approved Savella as the first drug specifically for the treatment of fibromyalgia … and not just the pain
Read the complete article.Defend Yourself with a Good Night’s Sleep
Persistent pain and disturbed sleep create a tremendous stress on the body that could potentially drag down a person’s immune system.
Read the complete article.Hypnosis or the Power of Suggestion
Hypnosis combined with suggestion can be a powerful tool against pain.
Read the complete article.Placebo Treatments: Misleading and Potentially Harmful
Prescribing placebos to fibromyalgia patients is an acceptable practice to half of the U.S. internists and rheumatologists who responded to a recent survey.
Read the complete article.Get Ahead of the Wintertime Blues
Don’t dread the wintertime blues. Get a jump start in heading off the symptoms associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Read the complete article.Reduced Hippocampal Function in Fibromyalgia
An American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association (AFSA) funded study brings science closer to understanding what is happening in the brains of fibromyalgia patients.
Read the complete article.Spreading of Pain: Women vs. Men
While healthy women have a lower pain threshold than healthy men, this does not explain why more than twice as many women develop fibromyalgia.
Read the complete article.Fibro Patients Challenged when Processing Words and Colors
A simple screening test for memory and concentration difficulties may have falsely labeled you as “normal.”
Read the complete article.